Wednesday 28 May 2008

Lustra Claims Hannah Montana Stole Song

Los Angeles indie band Lustra [ tickets ] is claiming the Hannah Montana [ tickets ] song "Rockstar" is identical to their song "Scotty Doesn't Know," from their album "Left For Dead," according to a statement issued on the band's behalf. "Scotty Doesn't Know," which was recorded for the movie "Eurotrip," was released in 2004 while "Rockstar" was released in 2006.The band's statement said their unnamed producer, out of Boston, was "connected" to the "Hannah Montana" television show. When confronted, the producer allegedly refused to return phone calls.The band says it is considering various options to rectify the situation.The "Hannah Montana scandal," as Lustra called the situation," hasn't been half-bad for the band, however. When the news broke, Lustra's MySpace page received more than 3 million profile views in less than 24 hours, according to the release.Lustra guitarist Nick Cloutman added his two cents to the situation: "If Annie Liebowitz is interested in photographing us nearly nude, we are certainly open to it and we look forward to her call."